Letter To The Editor - Potpourri of Stuff
Subject: Letter To The Editor - Potpourri of Stuff
Dan Barnabic, President of Consumer Federation Canada is wrong.
To take legal actions resulting out of damages for breaches under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents (PIPED) Act, and get the attention of the offender, the best place to go, is only the Federal Court. If you want to play games and get jerked around for time immemorial, then yes you can go to a lower court or even one of the farcical paper tigers like industry monitoring groups set up to mirror a smoke screen.
The reason for the marketing messages missing the younger generation when trying to sell health-care industry services and products, is right under the noses of the health-care marketers.
Its called 'Branding.' They think they know what they are doing, while tossing the word around.
They might even be able to spell it.
They have certainly succeeded in putting a spell over the industry, that has caused normally smart marketers, to miss the real source of their business in many cases.
It is still un-cool to be in marketing communications by applying the simple marketing philosophy, hence the problems of the health-care marketers in reaching the true audience for their message.
You not only have to put the message before the end user, but you must put it before those the end user turns to for help and advice. You must also communicate a message to both audiences so all know the right decision was made.
Why do you think the smart car or men's suit salesperson always makes sure the husbands' wife is satisfied with the car or suit?
The sooner we stop using the buzz words of the moment in marketing communications, and go back to the future of marketing using the basic 4 P's, the sooner we will get back to the business of selling stuff to the right people.
Hurray for Karin Moorhouse in taking some 'Little diversions.' It will make her a better marketer.
Thank you
Norm Greenfield
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