Bishop Won't Back Down
Words and their semantics are all both Rick Bell and the Mr. Henry have in their trade to work with.
The words coercive powers, coming from the religious leader of a church that has a long, rich and at times, evil history behind their own use of coercive powers.
The government has and is using its coercive powers to do what it can to protect both those that do not agree with same sex marriage, and those that do. What more does Mr. Henry want?
What else in the Catholic Church doctrine does he want carried out by the Ralph Klein Government?
Have we not seen in history what happens when the government carries out the wishes of one church or belief over the wishes of the majority?
If he wants the Provincial government to do something they cannot do by law, then he must be prepared to put his money, or that of his parishioners, where his mouth is.
Put the $250,000 in a separate bank account to cover the expenses of the government to do his bidding.
After all if he does hide behind the principle in our constitution of separation of church and state, then he must be prepared to live by it as well. Not just when it suits him, and his doctrine.
I would think Mr. Henry is acting like a child stomping his feet because he cannot get his way, seeing Mickey Mouse.
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