Printed word offers what digital deluge cannot: Reliable analysis, opinion, in-depth features
The premise in the article 'Printed word offers what digital deluge cannot: Reliable analysis, opinion, in-depth features,' would be great, if it were not so false.
If it were true, why the stagnant growth in the tired old grey mass media's current staid daily newspapers in Canada's major cities?
If it were true, why the birth of free giveaway newspapers by those same tired old grey mass media's current staid daily newspapers in Canada's major cities? If the free give aways were directed at a new group of readers why are they only handed out in a special box, above the boxes that have the tired old grey mass media's current staid daily newspapers in Canada's major cities in them? Why do they only cut and paste the editorial in them, that is leftover from the tired old grey mass media's current staid daily newspapers in Canada's major cities?
The tired old grey mass media's current staid daily newspapers in Canada's major cities, are sorely misinformed if they think that the electronic media cannot out do them?
It is being played out before the eyes of the people, usually white, middle class, Canadian males, who run our tired old grey mass media's current staid daily newspapers in Canada's major cities. All you need to do is walk on the streets, school halls, shopping malls, and libraries of our country with your eyes wide open, the rose coloured glasses and blinders off to see, that the vast majority of Canadians are not reading the tired old grey mass media's current staid daily newspapers in Canada's major cities.
The death of the tired old grey mass media's current staid daily newspapers in Canada's major cities is not being exaggerated, it is being played out before our eyes on the flesh of good trees that would serve a better purpose cleaning our air.
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