Advocatus Diaboli

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Saturday, October 29, 2005


I think clarification is in order on this Communications Chair/Director thing.

Ideally I would like to be the paid Communications Director, as that is where the work is needed, and my experience and education would be best put. Until Jim either takes a tough decision, or the inevitable becomes reality, the Communications Committee Chair is the next best thing.

The party has no communications strategy, plan or even effort. Internally or externally.

The information below is a prime example. The Green Party of Canada is missing a prime opportunity to be the host to seminar for reporters for upcoming climate change conference, not Ryerson.

We miss opportunities galore to get in the spot light. No leader at the Press Gallery Annual Dinner. No leader on any political talking head panels in the country. A defeatist attitude to the national media.

Jim gets bad advice, because he has communications and strategy people around him with no real world experience, or those who are still in university debate club mode. Jim lost his fund split thing due to three things.

One, the head office has not got the confidence of the people outside of the centre. The confidence is not there.

Second, he or his advise misread the current temperature, and may have just told Jim what he wanted to hear, and not what he needed to hear. Or Jim refused to hear what he should have. Loyalty is nice, but you are sinking, it is nice to have someone who is loyal to you and knows to throw you a life saver and not an anchor.

Third, the regions need the dough to get their work done, and less needs to be in head office. Fourth, Jim should be advocating for a sharing of the membership fees too.

So, if people ask, I am the best for either position. If elected for the one, will work to put the party on track with a proper communications plan and strategy, along with the budget. It will be designed much along the lines of how Greenpeace operates its communications, more grassroots, with head office providing more tools, and some spark.


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