2020Network/AB Chamber of Technology/Knowledge Management WIKI Potential Questions To Start Things
Having just watched my White Sox take a 2 game lead in the series, I am in a jolly mood. Like the Sox I have a weak spot for this idea of a 2020Network/AB Chamber of Technology, and believe it is an idea who's time has come.
It can work if done right.
Hence, I have taken the liberty to put together a list of questions I would put on the WIKI and lead the discussion and path to conclusions and answers you will need to move forward.
There WIKI could be used, or a blanket e-mail to all on your circulation list, with someone appointed to administer the answers from people who do not want to go on the WIKI for what ever reason. The answers could be compiled, and assumptions or directions distilled from them, for a map of the work needed for the group to get launched.
This is something that needs to be done by someone that can look at the answers with a cold eye, and is not afraid to make some assumptions and boil the answers down to a usable document. The final document cannot be used to justify a preconceived idea, but to lead you and the group to the answers that are needed.
Questions that need to be asked on the WIKI:
If you were given three wishes for a group to represent the needs, people, and issues of the high technology sector in Alberta what would that group look like.
What would its primary purpose for being, be?
If this group had three goals to achieve within its first three years, what would those be in your opinion.
What three issues in government policy would the group need to help address for the industry?
What three issues does this group need to address amongst the stakeholders in the high technology sector in Alberta?
Who should this group be for, and how do we attract them to the group?
When those people get to the group how do we assure we engage them to help the group make the wishes of yours come true?
What should the name of the group be?
Of those who you think should be a part of the group, where are they?
How would a group like this reach them with information on the group?
If we wanted you to be a member of this group what do we need say to you that would make you join?
Yes, you circulate this to one and all, or trash it as you see fit.
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