Advocatus Diaboli

This blog is about things, issues, ideas, and concepts on subjects focusing on Canada, Canadian Issues and Affairs and those that affect Canada and Canadians from afar.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Blasts hit London's transport network

RE: Blasts hit London's transport network

I hate to be an opportunist in the face of tragedy, but now is a prime time for Canada to take centre stage in the fight against the root causes of terrorism and stop the terrorists from feeling as if the only route they can take to affect change is to blow up trains, busses, or buildings.

The route of much of the terrorism comes from people living and dying in poverty and destitution It comes from the families having no security, and no ability to set down honest roots in the soil, for both their families and their food.

This is the real root of much of the terrorism in the world.

It is where you can nurture the victims to use as tools of terror around the world.

Funny thing? The western world is the source of the fuel that fosters the terrorism.

George W's, fight against terrorism is not working.

The war in Afghanistan was for naught. That country has returned to is drug lords days, as it was before the Taliban took hold, with the aid of the American's both times.

The war in Iraq has done nothing to stop terrorism, nor to find the heart of the terrorism. In fact it has stoked terrorism to a level we have never seen before. It is directed at us in the West, because we are the ones driving them to destitution so we can have our play toys and comfortable life styles.

The heart of the terrorism exists because it can exploit people who have had the hope of a better life taken from them. It is easy to exploit that, now as it has been since men started to wage war against each other.

With Canada's extensive network of CBC Overseas, and CBC on the Shortwave, as well as connections to all public radio and television stations, we can be a true agent of change and help to bring a positive message, affect the growth of real democracy around the world as it is wanted or needed, and not in a cookie cutter fashion that our friends to the south seem want to bring.

Canada can use our intelligence, abilities, knowledge and experience in the fight against terrorism, by going to its root causes, and move back into the centre stage in the world as Lester B. Pearson was able to put us in his short reign, with a minority government at times.

Canada has a friend in Kazakhstan that we can foster to help in this fight against terror.

The potential for Canada and Canadians is vast, with an upside that knows no limits. Canadians are craving someone with a vision of the world that includes more than the USA, and its false wars on the hot button issues of the day.

The potential for Canada to return to the place it once enjoyed on the world stage as being a sober second voice to the world's super powers, and hold them accountable for their actions, is for the taking.

It is going to be tough slogging.

So was building a railroad.

So was everything we have achieved that has been worthwhile in this world.

Why are we chicken to do this now?


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