Celebrity intellectual Michael Ignatieff
Oh great.
Just what Canada needs the, 'Celebrity intellectual Michael Ignatieff,' setting his sites on 24 Sussex Dr.
Will the Globe and Mail be able to fawn over two stars in the Liberal Party at the same time?
Or will they drop their current darling for producing mindless copy, Belinda Stronach ?
As it goes Michael Ignatieff will do well. It is easy to become the captain of a sinking ship when no one else wants it.
He can spin it all he wants, but his eyes are fixed on a sinking ship. The Liberal Party of Canada.
By meeting with an informal group of influential Liberals in Toronto, he already has sent a message to Western Canada, the Liberal Party of Canada is all but dead west of Manitoba and all we are waiting for is the death announcement in the newspaper.
His greatest coup would be to connect with the 50% of the voters in Canada that do not and did not show up to vote. That rises to 80% of people under 35. Many of who do not watch, read, and listen to the mass media.
His next greatest coup would be to realize to do this is not by some ivory tower job at the University of Toronto nor by addressing influential Canadian audiences.
He would be better served if he got out among the great unwashed and talk to them on their level. I doubt if he understands much about the concerns, needs, wants, and desires of the vast Canadian voting public who could careless about his attempts to produce a four-part TV documentary series and companion book with the CBC. Nor watch or read it.
It does show the Liberals urging him to enter political life and the 'senior Liberal with extensive election campaign experience,' advising him still have their heads buried in the past and away from the mainstream Canada.
If Ignatieff truly believes he has the moxy for the job, he should choose the lesser of two evils and run in a Calgary riding for his seat in parliament.
I doubt it if he has the spine for real politics outside of the ivory tower though.
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