Advocatus Diaboli

This blog is about things, issues, ideas, and concepts on subjects focusing on Canada, Canadian Issues and Affairs and those that affect Canada and Canadians from afar.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Gas well go-ahead angers residents

Lets say sour gas can be, "drilled, completed and operated safely," as the EUB maintains in their approval of the Compton Petroleum Corp.'s application to drill four potentially poisonous sour gas wells at the city's edge.

Let's say, that Alberta Energy Minister Greg Melchin and industry representatives, are right when they say the ruling is an "important signal" that companies can develop sour gas safely.
One then must wonder why the promised, by Ralph Klein, Alberta Health And Wellness' 2000 plans for research into the affects of sour gas on both humans and cattle, has not been fully lived up to.

Yes, there has been $17,000,000 spent on the studies, only for the cattle.

One also must wonder if the companies can develop sour gas safely with an emergency planning zone from a radius of 15 kilometres in place, can we see it actually work?

Can we see how 300,000 Calgarians will be evacuated?

Can we see how the Calgary Health Region will lock down, evacuate, or help the people that will be in the new hospital planned for the land almost next door to the wells?

Let Compton pay for a mock disaster trial. For both a hospital and 300,000 people. If they are sure of their plan, then they will see no problem in putting their money where their mouths are.

In fact I am sure they can get their liability insurer, and friends in the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.

In fact if all of the members of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers feel sour gas drilling, exploration and processing is so safe, then maybe they would pay the $17,000,000 to finish the human side to the, ' Klein promised,' Alberta Health And Wellness' 2000 research into the affects of sour gas on both humans.

It would help Ralph live up to his promises, and show the public that even the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers have no fear of their industry.

If it can work, with in the time frame humans have to live after breathing in sour gas.

Marilynn Christensen is wrong when she says Compton has been given a licence to kill. It is a license in stupidity they have been given.


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