Elbow and Glenmore Trail - Extra $10 million
It is time for someone at City Hall start to take responsibility for the decisions made. Especially those that show a complete lack of regard for the dollars each city taxpayer entrusts to the Members of Council and City Hall Management to spend wisely.
Considering what we have heard, both from the Ward Aldermen for the area where the work on the Elbow and Glenmore Trail interchange will affect, Barry Erskine, it is time for the city management employee in charge of the project to resign, with no golden hand shake. It is also time for the Ward Alderman to resign as well.
Considering our City Council does not work this way, and that the Ward Alderman is one that spent $67,755 on a campaign for which he did not run, I will not hold my breath.
It seems no one at city hall, in the council chambers or management ever is made to take responsibility and fall on their swords.
Can anyone cite one example of a company in Calgary that would be this patient with someone who costs them an extra $10 million dollars, mislead them and the shareholders, and not blush at what they have just done?
It seems doing the honourable thing, is a foreign concept at city hall.
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