[BP] General thoughts about telephones
I would agree that the advent of the cell phone is going to make a huge difference to how governments interact and survey their population, but not in the way that is outlined here or in a positive way.
No call centre will call cell phones to survey or sell them anything. No government or non-profit organization will accept it. So while the number of cell phones around the world grows from a current count of about 1.2 billion, to somewhere in the area of 3 to 4 billion, governments will lose their connection to the public in a large way, that is fast and effective. Currently in Canada it is estimated that 80% of the under 30 to 35 demographic do 90% of the telephony activity on a cell phone. In fact 50% of them have no land line. This demographic is mobile and no longer works the tradition 9 to 5 work day.
If one wants to interact with the segment of their voting population they have to do it in some fashion that is interactive on the phone through text messaging, gaming, or other ways with a incentive for people to respond, and the cost born by the caller.
Currently not possible. It is also not appealing to call centres due to low profit margins on their business.
For an example of where the cell phone is going, check out Blister Entertainment Inc. of Calgary at http://www.blisterent.com .
The idea that there will ever be one easy way to communicate with the voter or citizen in an interactive way is long gone.
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