In response to the comments of John, I must make a point or two
In response to the comments of John, I must make a point or two. I wonder if John is referring in his comment, 'Electable Democratic nations are one,' as to the so called exported democracy that the Americans have had a problem selling to the world, or the democracy that has been in existence in India for many years, and a population that is fast becoming as well educated and self-sufficient as Canada's? When you call IBM, Xerox, or Bank of America for service, you might just be talking to someone in India. Does John, not think that with two populations of 1,000,000,000 each and another 4,000,000,000 in the world outside of the USA, we cannot find enough new customers to buy our wares?
That is a sure recipe for a failure of our economy, it also shows we might have lost the moxy we use to have when building this country in the past.
Whether it is the Conservatives who brought in the flawed FTA, and NAFTA, or the Liberals who seem unable to negotiate a better deal for Canadians, I would suggest instead of whining about what the Liberal's can't do, we create a new political party that actually works for the benefits of the Canadians, and not to some sort of idea that the Americans will work to our favour. The Conservatives salivate at the opportunity to turn Canada into another state of the U.S.A. The reason our most successful trading route has been dealing with the American's, is pure laziness. It has much to do with the government hand outs to the auto industry, and it has much to do with a myopic look at Canada's Foreign policy and trade.
We are now looking at building a new crossing to Detroit, but should also or instead, be looking at the improvement and renewal of our ports and railway system. We have the world's longest border.
No one could protect its borders as well as Canada, and remain an open liberal democracy.
Would you prefer we stop all ships at high seas, board them, and sink them there if they are not following our laws? We need to stay vigilant, and spend the money to enforce our borders, our environmental laws, international maritime law, enforce drug law, and save lives at sea.
Trust me, if you think the USA has an armed forces that is any more prepared or manned than that of Canada, then you have not talked to any American General, or Admiral. They have more of the toys, and big steel shiny things, but that is about it. We need to start looking at trading off our coasts, and build the transportation infrastructure that is also oriented east and west, tide water to tide water. Canada sold to the world in its beginning, and we can do it again.
Yes, the American's are rich, but they have so much Canada also does not want, that it is in our interest to build the trade to the world. You do not have to trade away our democratic principles with our products, but you certainly can bring our form of democracy and liberal democratic system to the world, and offer them a choice.
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