Advocatus Diaboli

This blog is about things, issues, ideas, and concepts on subjects focusing on Canada, Canadian Issues and Affairs and those that affect Canada and Canadians from afar.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I am noticing a greater outcry from the far right wing about how bad it is in Canada. It seems to come from their pundits, politicos, and those that think they know what is best for Canada.

Between whining and carping about high taxes, left wing ideas like same sex marriage, gun control, health care gone to hell, and our armed forces having been left to die on the vine, it has always amazed me as to how these people still live in Canada, or come back here from their new countries of choice, for our health care.

Especially the snow birds.

Out here in Alberta, these are also many of the same people with their hands out at the farm gate looking for government hand outs when they supposedly can't make a living on the farm.

If Canada is so bad, tell me where it is better? Yes it is not perfect in Canada, and there are things I would like changed.

Carping about it is not how you change it.

Roll up your sleeves and get to work to change it. There are far more people who don't or haven't voted, than voted, that are ripe for the plucking if you have the vision for Canada that they want.

My father has always maintained that when he went to war, he did not go to protect my freedom to whine, he went so I had the right to get off my ass and work for a change to something I did not like.

Let's stop the whining. Lets get to work.


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