Results Canada
I met someone last night that told me about Results Canada.
In reading your web site, and talking to this lady, I do not see, nor did I hear any sort of information on how best to influence your elected officials to do better at the ballot box, or through more than just writing a letter. Writing a letter is easy, getting involved so real change can be made is where the rubber meets the road.
Why no mention of that?
Yes, getting political is the real way you will affect change. Citizen empowerment and leadership begins with letter writing, it has affect when you show up in the political process with a pencil and ballot, to either elect the people we need in our government or run yourself.
It is nice to think that letter writing, sign virtual petitions, and going to Live 8 concerts will work, but you need to convert those 30,000,000 people who did visit the Live 8 website into ballots at the voting booth. That is what the politicians understand.
Why not develop a How To page on getting people back into the democratic process to send people to Ottawa and provincial legislators that will put Canada back in the position it grew to in Pearson's era?
Writing a letter, sending a virtual card, or faxing a letter is the easy part.
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