Advocatus Diaboli

This blog is about things, issues, ideas, and concepts on subjects focusing on Canada, Canadian Issues and Affairs and those that affect Canada and Canadians from afar.

Friday, November 03, 2006

FW: Liberal Leadership Race

Subject: Liberal Leadership Race

Now that Hetty Fry has entered the Liberal Party Leadership race, I am sure the management in the Liberal Party's head office feel they have all of their bases covered.

They have a female from the west, a gay MP from the Maritimes with the rest being middle aged white males from Toronto. A true representation of Canada, in the minds of the brain trust of the Liberal Party of Canada I am sure. It is a good reason as to why they will be sitting in the benches of the opposition for sometime to come, for sure.

What might help is an apology from one or any of the leadership hopefuls for the disrespect their party has shown the voter for the trust we put in them to run Canada, and move us in to the future.

Instead they looted and pillaged the country's bank account to their own benefit, managed to launder money through organized crime in some effort to help keep Quebec in Canada, and helped to grind the country to a halt with incessant inertia.

Thank you

Norman Greenfield

FW: Tory leadership candidate Mark Norris

Subject: Tory leadership candidate Mark Norris

The article reporting on Tory leadership candidate Mark Norris 's and his urge for his rivals to, 'reveal who is funding their bids,' was interesting.

I assume he will do the same. Those that have donated directly to his campaign and the clients he has that are paying his consulting company, GLG Consulting.

It is better known as Grassroots Leadership Group, started in 2004 with contributions of $10,000 from each of 120 people. While he was a member of the government and a minister.

We are the only province that would allow a sitting member of the provincial government party and cabinet to own and operate a company or organization that is being funded by 120 people to consult, 'with services, and his legal advice says they can therefore claim tax deductions.'

I trust all of these 120 people will be listed on his list of campaign donors, or a complete public airing of who donated or invested in GLG.

And what they paid for and what they got in return.

Would it be too much to ask which if any of those 120 people may have bid on gonverment contracts and won, and if they were the lowest bidder?

This is the kind of person who wants to be premier of Alberta.

FW: Daily Digest November 1, 2006

Subject: RE: Daily Digest November 1, 2006


If anyone in corporate, political, or investment worlds in Canada could not see the new changes to the income trusts, then they must immediately go out and buy the best in shoe horns they can find. They are indeed going to suffocate from having their heads buried too deep, too long, and too effectively in the sand.

Yes, Harper changed his views on the issue. Good thing. And it is something we should expect our politicians to do when they see an issue that is in need of change for the good of Canadians.

The Liberals, who left this issue to fester while they were in government, cannot be calling the Prime Minister on the carpet. They had the opportunity to change this one piece of the gigantic corporate welfare program this country has.

Next, can we expect Harper to change the free ride the oil companies have in the oil sands?

Thank you
Norm Greenfield

FW: $1,500,000 Hand Out To Cargill From Ralho's World

To: Edmonton Journal
Subject: $1,500,000 Hand Out To Cargill From Ralho's World

In the beginning, it was the law in Ralph's World, that our provincial government was going to get out of the business of being in business.

Now we see from an article in the Edmonton Journal. that the provincial government has given $1,500,00 to Cargil to expand their p beef patty plant in Spruce Grove. This will result in the closure of their other plant in Brampton, Ontario and the town losing workers and an industry.

Cargill Limited is a subsidiary of Cargill, Incorporated of Minneapolis with sales of $3.5 billion and $1.2 billion in assets.

Why do we as taxpayers need to give them any grants?

Norm Greenfield

FW: Taxing Income Trusts

Subject: Taxing Income Trusts

If anyone in corporate, political, or investment worlds in Canada could not see the new changes to the income trusts coming, then they must immediately go out and buy the best in shoe horns they can find. They are indeed going to suffocate from having their heads buried too deep, too long, and too effectively in the sand.
Their next move should be to fire all of their people in the corporate communications or government relations departments, just before they fire their CEO's. Obviously someone was not doing their jobs.
Yes, Harper changed his views on the issue. Good thing. And it is something we should expect our politicians to do when they see an issue that is in need of change for the good of Canadians.
The Liberals, who left this issue to fester while they were in government, cannot be calling the Prime Minister on the carpet. They had the opportunity to change this one piece of the gigantic corporate welfare program this country has.

FW: Sizing up john law

Subject: Sizing up john law

Your editorial on October 24 entitled, 'Sizing Up The John Law,' makes no sense.

The police routinely seize guns, knives, baseball bats, dope, drugs, and other tools of the crime trade, and keep them until the, 'the due process of a trial and conviction,' takes its course.

This concept in the law has never been deemed to contravene the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Why should we hold people who buy sex?

Could it be we want to continue this multi-standard in our laws? Some crimes and those committ them are better than others? Or could it be that society just does not care about the sex trade workers?

Or is because those that are complaining about the law, are also those that might get caught up in it?

As the writer of the editorial, I 'remain skeptical,' of the thinking that went into the editorial.

Thank you

Norm Greenfield

FW: Automated Telephone System

Subject: RE: Automated Telephone System

Ms Tourangeau:

I know you have other more important issues to look after, but the matter of this automated phone system you have seems to be more of a monster than you might think.

Even after, 'Julie’s diligence,' on the 31st, later that day I received a call from a male plus one more call from a Mr. Robert Jong on the 1st. As I had done in the past I ignored the contents of the message left by the male on the 31st, I spoke to Mr. Jong. He indicated to me that my number was used or given to him via the registration form as a secondary number for someone different that the 'Cassandra,' that I was getting the previous calls for.

It would strike me that you have no effective ways of searching your database to find numbers that are no longer valid, are wrong, or have been given by a student to avoid the issues around cutting class. It also strikes me as odd that after receiving and not responding at all to at least four automated messagfes about Cassandra, that no one from your school called to find out why no one had responded. This makes me think the automated phone system is nothing more than cosmetic.

If I were the administrator at your school I would be even more curious to find out why so many registration forms has my number on them, and do a search of the database. This would not be a breach of any privacy legislation.

Due to Robert Jong's diligence and that of someone in the office, my number was removed form whatever database that Jong was working from.

This automated system is no more effective than sending home written notes which were then signed by the student that night and returned the next day to the principal. As was done; allegedly in my day as a student.

The difference is that you have invested money into this system that does not work, where as it is obivous that you also need to have the human input as well. Maybe the money for the phone system would be better spent with a human doing the phoning.

I am sure there are more phone numbers like mine in your database.

Would you like to make a wager that I have not heard the last of your computer?

FW: 3,000 black balloons to represent carbon dioxide in Metro Hall Square - Are they environmentally safe?

Subject: 3,000 black balloons to represent carbon dioxide in Metro Hall Square - Are they environmentally safe?

Tara Wood:

I noticed from the media advisory you sent out that WWF-Canada is planing to release 3,000 black balloons.

Are they balloons made of petroleum products?

How will you control the balloons so that none enter the environment? Are these balloons made of bio-degradable material?

How can you assure that these balloons will not find their way into the environment and thus into the dietary plans of animals unaware that this material is unhealthy for them?

Yes I totally agree that 'global warming is an urgent issue,' but using one environmentally bad medium to protest another is not right.

Thank you

Norman Greenfield

Edmonton/Calgary, Alberta, Canada

FW: My 2 cents worth on Message Forwarded from George Read re issue for the Siksika Nation (and all of us who drink from the Bow)

Subject: My 2 cents worth on Message Forwarded from George Read re issue
for the Siksika Nation (and all of us who drink from the Bow)

It has been a while since I engaged in the lively, progressive, and
impressive policy development sessions at Doctor Ellie's.

I miss them. So with Peter here in Edmonton I hope to develop some similar
plan and work with Ellie's group and move the party to the next level of
truly engaging Albertan's on policies that are effective and what they want.

Now for my 2 cents worth.

I think the Alberta Green Party should make an application to be heard
onthis matter and support the actions of the Siksika Nation, based on the
fact that dumping raw sewage into any waterway should be considered illegal.

The issue of dumping or flushing raw sewage into any waterway, should be
made illegal by any provincial, civic or federal government. This is a
federal issue because what is flushed into the Bow ends up in the drinking
water in towns, cities, and villages from it's head waters to the ocean in
empties into in the Hudson Bay.

It should not be a native issue, or women's issue, or someother group's
issue. It should be an issue and policy that the Alberta Green Party says is
fundamentally wrong, and it would never happen under the leadership of the
Alberta Green Party when we become the government.

In a recent article/letter published in the Edmonton Journal over the names
of three Chief's of First Nations in Northen Alberta B.C., and the North
West Territories, who belong to a group eho are concerned with, affected by
what we in the southern part of Canada do to their Dehcho and Mackenzie
River waterways. They state in part that all people in these two basins have
a fundamental right to water. Clean wter, water that is drinkable by their

We as a Provincial Party must start by stating that we agree with this
principle, but for all people. Take a look at their web site at:

Instead of us trying to come up with policy to deal with one First Nation's
concerns community by community, we can do much better for them, if we come
up with policies that make sense for all Albertans.

As I mentioned in a previous missive, we should as a party start to
proactively go out to the First Nations communities and talking to them aout
what policies we as a provincial party should adopt so that we might help
them live the same healthy lives that we in the rest of Alberta do. Then we
can then say to them that if they want to see real change at the provincial
political level, then the Green Party is really their best choice to work in
and with.