Advocatus Diaboli

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Friday, November 03, 2006

FW: Automated Telephone System

Subject: RE: Automated Telephone System

Ms Tourangeau:

I know you have other more important issues to look after, but the matter of this automated phone system you have seems to be more of a monster than you might think.

Even after, 'Julie’s diligence,' on the 31st, later that day I received a call from a male plus one more call from a Mr. Robert Jong on the 1st. As I had done in the past I ignored the contents of the message left by the male on the 31st, I spoke to Mr. Jong. He indicated to me that my number was used or given to him via the registration form as a secondary number for someone different that the 'Cassandra,' that I was getting the previous calls for.

It would strike me that you have no effective ways of searching your database to find numbers that are no longer valid, are wrong, or have been given by a student to avoid the issues around cutting class. It also strikes me as odd that after receiving and not responding at all to at least four automated messagfes about Cassandra, that no one from your school called to find out why no one had responded. This makes me think the automated phone system is nothing more than cosmetic.

If I were the administrator at your school I would be even more curious to find out why so many registration forms has my number on them, and do a search of the database. This would not be a breach of any privacy legislation.

Due to Robert Jong's diligence and that of someone in the office, my number was removed form whatever database that Jong was working from.

This automated system is no more effective than sending home written notes which were then signed by the student that night and returned the next day to the principal. As was done; allegedly in my day as a student.

The difference is that you have invested money into this system that does not work, where as it is obivous that you also need to have the human input as well. Maybe the money for the phone system would be better spent with a human doing the phoning.

I am sure there are more phone numbers like mine in your database.

Would you like to make a wager that I have not heard the last of your computer?


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