Sense of Humour
I have read and reread the messages I have sent you and cannot find anything in them, except for my eclectic and unique sense of humour, as to why you have anything to fear. The inference or words you might have thought you read or heard in them might be over-reacting in my opinion.
In respect to the comments you made to me while leaving our brunch a couple of weeks ago, I don't see the reason for the fear they seem to have grown in you. It is much like sitting at brunch or on the phone listening to a particular female comment on the men walking around her. It is just something that is part of the make up of the person and is either accepted or ignored. At some point it will lead to not being around that person if it becomes something that is unacceptable. I won't try to change them as that is them.
My sense of humour is me, and mine alone. It is something that has been honed, formed, and shaped over the past 48 years and is unlikely to change much. It is something that contributes to my work and allows me to protect myself and remain sane from the world around me.
If one wanted to they can read worries and concerns about anything into everything. It takes up a lot of needless energy but it can be done.
So to what I believe are your unfounded concerns, I say stop.
They are just that, and my sense of humour is just that.
The remarks on your red skirt (dress) or not, was in reaction or a remark based on something you had said a while back and had no hidden meaning to it. It was a complement, maybe in a backhanded way, that you look good in that skirt. Whether you in that skirt, would incite me to rape or assault you, or to look upon you in some demeaning way, or in someway other than being an intelligent and intriguing female, may be a figment of your fertile imagination.
I have managed to contain my animal lust for 48 years without having to resort to rape or assault.
Do I find you an attractive female? Yes.
Do I find your mind and its various levels attractive? Yes.
Other than that, there is not much more.
Yes, there is a physical attraction to you, because you are a physically attractive female. There is, though, nothing to worry about.
I have many females friends and acquaintances I work and play with, that I am attracted to in a mental and or physical way. They on the other hand have no fears of me to the point where they trust me explicitly. Despite my sense of humour.
That being said, some are friends of mine and we are both suppliers of the benefits each of us desire without the ties or strings attached. Nothing is taken all is given freely.
I have had females over for dinner parties who have gotten too drunk to drive home who have spent the night in the second bedroom with no fears.
So I guess we are at a cross roads here, and it will mean whatever I write is going to be under a magnifying glass.
It makes it kind of difficult to figure out what I can say, when people see what is not in something I write and allow fear to creep in between myself and them.
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