Advocatus Diaboli

This blog is about things, issues, ideas, and concepts on subjects focusing on Canada, Canadian Issues and Affairs and those that affect Canada and Canadians from afar.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

RE: CanadianAlly

I think it is time we brag a little about what Canada has done in conjunction with, or on our own in either the war on terror, or in other areas of concern in the world. Many, with out the help or interest of the American Armed Forces or the American peopleor media.
If you take a look at the recent events that have happened with our troops in Afghanistan alone, the American media does not notice, does not care, nor reports on them.
I get immediate newsers from Canadian Press and watch CNN for anything about them. Nothing.
Taking the word to the people in Washington DC is a step in the right direction.
Making sure the American media are reporting on these issues, and spends more time on just how good of a neighbour we really are, and that we are helping them secure the border, as best we can. The leaks and holes in the border and homeland security are more of a cause due to the American's not spending their money wisely.
As for the report this past week on the amount of dope crossing the border and that it is fueling or could be fueling either organized crime or terrorism is a laugh. Drugs are how the Americans fuel friends in Columbia, and funded the war in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Vietnam. They have a long track record of using drugs to fund the CIA's work to install puppets and it backfiring against them.
It is rather interesting that the Al Queda's fight against the US in Iraq and Afghanistan is funded by the opium crops that make heroin to sell on the streets of New York and L.A.
Canada has nothing to be ashamed of, and much to be proud when it comes to the work our military does in the world now, in the past and will do in the future. We need to tell their stories better, to both Canadians and the world.
The military must get out of their current mindset in the way they talk to Canadians about what they do, and start taking thier stories to the streets and schools.


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