Advocatus Diaboli

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Sunday, March 26, 2006

FW: 100364KCMM

To: Henry Goldbeck
Subject: RE: 100364KCMM

I would like to know why you kept my information on any database without my permission? It is not legal to do that. How much of the rest of the information on your database is similar in its roots? Any and all of the information you have gained this way is tainted, and any of your clients that you use the information in order to fill their positions, should be warned.
You spend a lot of time putting that new popular silly disclaimer at the bottom of your e-mails, why not spend a simlar amount of time in bringing your personal information privacy procedures up to the 21st Century?
I guess the other question should be, with my last name being Greenfield, and I assume you have read my resume, tell me why I would be the least big qualified for the position in the newsletter?
I assume it is because you did not read my resume and were purely harvesting resumes so you can make your database look large to your potential clients.
What a sillly way to do business.
-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Goldbeck []
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:49 AM
Subject: RE: 100364KCMM

Dear Norman,  We have deleted your resume and all of your contact info from our database.  We have never provided your information to any person or organization.  We merely sent you a newsletter regarding positions available.  As you had been looking for employment we thought you may have been interested. I regret that this has upset you.  There is nothing else we can really do here other than promise to never contact you again. If you choose to pursue this through any of the relevant authorities then that is your prerogative and I guess we will hear from them in due course.  Good luck in your career search.




H e n r y    E.   G o l d b e c k,   CPC
President, Goldbeck Recruiting Inc.
510 - 475 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC, V6B 4M9, Canada
Phone. 604.684.1428 x 102
Toll Free. 877.684.1428
Fax. 604.684.1429

Karen Chan; Henry Goldbeck
Subject: FW: 100364KCMM


I assume by your silence to my message below that I am to file a complaint with the Priacy Commissioner?


-----Original Message-----

Subject: RE: 100364KCMM

I know I sent you my resume. For a specific position. Not to be put on or in any sort of database. It is illegal to do this, without asking permission. Permission is not given purely by someone sending you the information. It is also a waste of the time of the recipients to send them spam for positions that bare no resemblence to their backgrounds. Both point to your organization as being very unprofessional at the least.


Past of my lobbying work was with both the Federal, Alberta, and BC government on the privacy legislation.


You should not be accumulating person information this way.



-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Chan 
 Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 6:33 PM

Henry Goldbeck
Subject: FW: 100364KCMM

Hi Norm.

For your information, you submitted your resume to Goldbeck Recruiting on February 12, 2006. Please see below message you sent to me.

Please kindly note that your email is now removed permanently from our database as per your request.


-----Original Message-----

Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:28 PM
To: Karen Chan
Subject: 100364KCMM


Please find attached a copy of my resume. My background covers all facets of corporate and marketing communications with a good grounding in the real estate industry.

Norm Greenfield

 K a r e n  C h a n,  CPC, MA, BComm

Senior Associate, Goldbeck Recruiting Inc

Suite 510, 475 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC, V6B 4M9, Canada
Phone. 604.684.1428 x 104
Fax. 604.684.1429
Toll Free. 877.684.1428


Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 10:39 PM
To: Karen Chan
Subject: ****SPAM**** Re: Goldbeck Job Alert v1025 CA




Can you tell me where you got my e-mail address from? Can you tell me how the jobs below meet anything in the copy of my resume you illegally put on your database? Can you tell me where to address the carbon copy of my complaint to both the federal and BC privacy commission?



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