Advocatus Diaboli

This blog is about things, issues, ideas, and concepts on subjects focusing on Canada, Canadian Issues and Affairs and those that affect Canada and Canadians from afar.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

There is a brain trust in Ottawa?

There is a brain trust in Ottawa?

You know something no one else knows then. Or your friends are proctologists.

When you have Anne McLellan show up at a function where a check is being turned over to the cattle industry, after a tour of a feed lot, in high heels, and black silk slacks, you know there is a problem. She should have asked the Agriculture Minister of the time what to where. At least he had been a farmer.

Michael Ignatieff? Too smart. Too white. Too male. Loved his Lesser of Two Evils. Him and John Ralston Saul on the same stage would be something to behold. In fact I am going to a speaking thing with John Ralston Saul on the 8th of June for his new book, 'The Collapse of Globalism.'

You should read it.

Canada's power and political elite's lust for this lie called globalism and free trade is not selling with those under 30 and working at a Wal-Mart-like job. We have PhD's driving cabs in Calgary, because apparently studying physics in India is much different that Canada. Apparently dropping a ball from a tower in Bombay falls faster than in Vancouver. Or foreign trained doctors mopping the floors in our hospitals because, according to the doctors' union, they are not trained for much else.

I always enjoy debate on the ideas, but never dislike the person behind them. You can disagree with me all you want, but we can still be respectful and you can buy the beer. The issue I raked you over, was the utter lack of substance to Manley's campaign. The substance I knew was there, and the substance people in Canada are hungering for in their political leaders. Working with the young kids in the Green Party shows me there is still a lust to make a change, and to make things right. Even if there is no hope in hell of winning. They are making their voices heard, and you will see the first MLA for the Green Party elected in BC Tuesday, and probably the first Green Party MP elected in the next election if not then, the first three Green Party MP's in the following general election.

Campaign by whining about the opposition only plays well in solitary confinement in the nut house.

Canada is missing so much in the world.

The University of Calgary did a poll in the last three months on kids between 16 and 25. They asked them what they would like do once they graduated, or where would they like to go for a University degree. Half of them said Europe.

The coolest and smartest politician in Ottawa has been Ed Broadbent. His offer to pair, was the most honest moment in Ottawa for the entire tenure of this Parliament. His rap song for his campaign was cooler than cool. Even beat out the Belinda Blintzes at her leadership campaign sweat fest out here in Calgary.

If the next party or leader of a party does not have an actual meaningful agenda, they will not attract the voters that have left the process or never want to get into it. That, being said, is where the votes are for someone who wants to take Canada on a new and exciting path. Look for ridings with polls that have young voters, low turnouts, high educations, and high numbers of hook ups to high speed, nail them.

Can you imagine anyone on the current Canadian political scene standing up and saying they want to build a railroad from coast to coast? Where there was none.

What about a someone on the current Canadian political scene standing up and saying; Canada is now trading with the world; Canada now pulls out of the free trade agreement; Canada now stops shipping raw logs to the USA; Canada is now going to stop importing all fresh fruit and vegetables from the USA where a suitable source can be found in South America with or without subsidies to keep the prices low; and if anyone wants something that Canada has, then they can sit down at the negotiation table and talk, on our terms.

Did you know Canada use to trade with the world? Now we send cars and parts to the USA and consider them the answer to our prayers?

Can you imagine any of the current political leaders in Canada standing up and saying his/her government will find a cure to Cancer by the end of the decade?

Can you imagine any of the current political leaders in Canada standing up and saying his/her government will fund all PhD candidates tuition fees and research costs? They are doing it at UBC and in one of the universities in Nova Scotia. It is starting to attract some interesting researchers, research, and undergrads.

Calgary gave the Green Party the highest percentage of the popular vote second to Victoria.

Did you know that the National Park service out here is now recommending that due to, 'Elevated levels of mercury found in Alberta's mountain fish has led Parks Canada to issue consumption warnings directed at children and women of reproductive age?'

Calgary is not red neck. Calgary is now 1,000,000 people from all over the world. Calgary just doesn't like anything from Ottawa, or the Liberal Party of Canada. You screwed them over with the NEP, Gun Control, and no democratic rejuvenation.

Can you imagine any of the current political leaders in Canada coming out to Calgary setting up shop in a coffee shop and talk to all and any that sat down for a coffee with them, unscripted and unplanned? Joe Clark did in the 2000 election. No current political leaders in Canada could, would or can.

My advise to you and Michael Ignatieff? Get Michael Ignatieff to run for the Green Party. The three old parties are dead, and there will be yet another split in the Conservative Party after this coming election. They can't win a majority. The Green Party stands for everything the youth and Trudeau did. That is where Michael Ignatieff can make the most difference.


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