Is history bound to repeat itself?
Canadian politicians should hold their heads in shame.
Shame for inaction, and the ability to consider their own small world of politics while a Holocaust is playing out in Darfur. What does Canada do about this, and what would the Conservatives do? There is a faction of the party that has bought into the Bush theory that the UN is now dead as far as a power to bring peace to the world.
The Canadian taxpayer will pay about $80 million for the inquiry headed by Justice John Gomery to find out what has happened to the $60 million program set up to fight Quebec separatism.
Half of the forecast $80 million cost is for the inquiry itself; the other half is costs in government departments involved, which have had to find and translate thousands of related documents.
What do the Conservatives want to do about Darfur? What do the Liberals want to do?
Did Canada not learn from the holocost in Nazi Germany?
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