PBS does need to reivent itself, and stop chasing the same public affairs and commentary that the big three, CNN and Fox do.
Being from Canada, I watch KSPN out of Spokane, and while living in Vancouver watched KSPS.
Generally I do not watch PBS for any sort of news or public affairs. First it is very insular and myopic. Or dated.
Second, being Canadian I have the CBC, BBC, and the internet for news from around the world, without the American media bias and filters.
PBS does need to reivent itself, and stop chasing the same public affairs and commentary that the big three, CNN and Fox do.
That is why your viewership is dropping in the key demographic, and it is why the American and Canadian political system and scene has lost the generations under 35.
Chase the other stories.
When the scrums are here, go there for the story.
While taking my Journalism 101, some 34 years ago, the teached always told us to go for the story that lies beneath the surface, because that is where you will find the truth.
Why PBS is as connected as it is to the White House for its funding, could be why it is a dying presence in the lives of those under 35.
Why not lose that old man that reports on business, and put in someone who is young, and knows where the real growth in business is. Not on Wall Street, but in the ethernet.
The world is our oyster, and being as insular as the PBS is, is only feeding the all too familiar American view of the world. There is more to the world that the USA.
Maybe if you did this, your president would not have made his error, when boasting being the first to march into the Second World War shoulder to shoulder with the British.
Start exposing the Americans to the world.
There is more in the world than the way the White House looks at it.
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