Green Party in Calgary
So another election gone by, all of you ran good campaigns, and made progress.
Glow in the success, and get ready to get back up on the horse for the next kick at the cat in the next 24 months. Don't stop the work you have all started. Get back in the race now, and start to build on the public notice of the party you have created in the past two national elections.
All of this is possible by the hard work of you and your succesful campaigns, and the momentum you have created and built on. Lets get the EDA's up and running, and lets make sure the money your efforts will flow through the Elections Canada campaign financing legislation laws, can be invested here where it will do the most good, and produce the best return for the party.
With no leader at the helm of the Liberals, a House of Commons that will be bending in the wind to stay in place, there is a prime opportunity for the Green Party to make their presence known, both in Ottawa and Calgary.
We need to grab the party's levers of power and bring them to Calgary and reality.
We need to grab the policy process of the party and drive it so it actually becomes reality, and gets into the minds and hearts of Canadians. We have seen how a campaign of ideas and policies can work. If Harper can do it, so can the Green Party.
We need to grab the party's levers to steer it to their first seat in the House of Commons.
In closing, good campaigns each and everyone of you.
Thanx Norm Greenfield
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