Advocatus Diaboli

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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Paul Martin


Even to a die hard Liberal like you, Paul Martin must be a huge disappointment.

Where is the vision I heard come out of Martin's mouth at the summer Stampede BBQ while he was campaigning for the leadership?

Where is the vision of the Liberal Party that brought us the Constitution and Bill of Rights?

Paul Martin seems to be out of his element, with no new and innovative ideas or vision for Canada.

Does he or his handlers understand how bad or desperate he looks and that the public can actually see through his rhetoric?

What frustrates me is that the Liberal government had two opportunities to show its old self.

One was when Chretien decided to retire and could have done anything he wanted to, as he stood no need to look to the next election. After all he is the man behind bringing back our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Martin had a chance to put his stamp on the party with some new and big ideas for the future of Canada. A future that is as vast and endless as the horizon Martin talked about looking past when he was here in Calgary looking for our support in his leadership bid.

Isn't it sad we have no real leaders with big ideas, vision of the future, or any idea as to the potential of Canada in the world, to be a world leader for good, and not war?

There are three or four things Martin should or could have done to put his stamp on the party.

One is to start the rebuilding of Canada's ability to become a trading nation with the world.

Two would be to with draw from our tight relationship with the USA to become the Switzerland of the Western World. We can do this and maintain our trading relationship with the USA but with our best interests at the forefront. They need our cars, oil, wood, water, electricity, shipping, railroads, and brains. There are also 6,000,000,000 other people in the world in need of the same things.

Third idea would be to make every undergraduate an offer to pay their tuition after they graduate, along with better and more flexible student loans and scholarships that reflect the true situation of secondary and life long learning. As well as offer to give grants to Canadian universities to attract the best PhD candidates to study, research and think in Canada.

Fourth make the committments: to become an environmentally neutral country. That means a committment to clean water, both what we drink and flush out in our rivers to the world's oceans; to clean air, both what we breath in and what we send out to the rest of the world; and finally to make sure the dirt we walk on is clean. 

We all know from watching the terms of Republican Presidents that deficits of record amounts, cutting of social services, as well as decreasing the taxation of the richest all occur like clock work.

That is the only logical outcome of Stephen Harper's plans.

Thanx Norm Greenfield

'Provoco status quo'


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