Advocatus Diaboli

This blog is about things, issues, ideas, and concepts on subjects focusing on Canada, Canadian Issues and Affairs and those that affect Canada and Canadians from afar.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Film Festival At A Crossroads

Despite the technical difficulties, which are not uncommon to any sort of film or music festival that brings movies, performers and film in from a variety of international locations, the Calgary International Film Festival was a success, if you are comparing it to other small regional film festivals.

No one can ever say the Calgary International Film Festival was innovative, controversial, or even worth the interest of any national or international media, let alone film industry media.

The CIFF has come to the 'crossrod,' if it wants to go big, it must stop being run by a small circle of friends of the Executive Director.

The CIFF must throw off the white bread attitude of much of Calgary, and look at making its mark in the film world, from around the world.

Show truly international provocative innovative films.

Show truly locally made innovative provocative films.

Show films that challenge the status quo.

Look to bring in some truly international film stars, innovators, and creators.

The Calgary Folk Festival has built a place in the music world, as a must play at festival.

The Edmonton Fringe has built a place in the live and innovative theatre world, as a must be in theatre festival.

The Toronto Film Festival has built a place in the international film world as a must be in film festival.

Now the Calgary Film Festival must either stay at the regional also ran level, or reach for the top.

That means need for new blood in the organization. With new blood, the Calgary International Film Festival could be much more than it is today.


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