Advocatus Diaboli

This blog is about things, issues, ideas, and concepts on subjects focusing on Canada, Canadian Issues and Affairs and those that affect Canada and Canadians from afar.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Brilliant 'White Bread' City

Colin Jackson, president of the Epcor Centre, is right when he says Calgary is the nation's laboratory in creativity, inclusiveness and citizenship, as well as being an admirable example of a great 21st century city. He might want to open his vision and suggest that in many cases Calgary is the world's laboratory in creativity.

We have built the international image to draw visitors to Calgary around the Stampede.

Why keep the dead horse of the Stampede alive, when it is stalled and withering from being a complacent and uncreative monolith that has reached its end?

We forget that there is an entire world outside of our almost 1,000,000,000 residents that want more than just the Stampede, or could careless about the Stampede. Take a look at what goes on at Spruce Meadows.

Why not create more festivals to fill the Olympic Plaza 52 weeks of the year?

Why not create an annual 'Idea's' conference to invite the world to, and show them Calgary's best and brightest?

If Jackson wanted a place to start with his idea, why not open the the Epcor Centre for the Performing Arts with programming during the Stampede's 10 days. Why not start with that 10 days to show the world that Calgary is this nation's laboratory in creativity, inclusiveness and citizenship?

What about calling it the Calgary Festival of Creativity?

It is time to try some Whole Wheat bread in Calgary.


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