Now we know what Mr. Henry means by coercive powers
Now we know what Mr. Henry means by coercive powers, and what he wants the provincial government to about same sex marriage.
He wants the government to do his bidding, and go against the law of Canada to do so.
This is truly a person who thinks the ends he wants, that he cannot get for his shrinking flock, justifies the means.
How far does Mr. Henry want a government to go, to enforce the rules as the Catholic Church sees them?
Are there other parts of the outdated catholic doctrine Mr. Henry has in mind, for Klein to enforce for him? Does Mr. Henry consider this a one-way gate, and the government will do his bidding on his chosen sins, not wanting something in return for doing that bidding? How about a good old-fashioned book burning to rid the bookshelves of the DaVinci Code?
This is the same Constitution that is at the basis of Canadian law that has allowed religious organizations to marry who and how they want to. And will allow religious organizations to marry who and how they want.
You cannot cherry pick the parts of Charter of Rights and Constitution you like and pause the ones you don’t, until you get what you want.
Would Henry stand still if the part of the Constitution that guaranteed his church to have their own schools was suspended by using the not with standing clause?
It seems Henry wants to pick and choose who will enforce what laws too.
If the Premier goes ahead with his idea of imposing some sort of coercive action and does ban same-sex marriages as Mr. Henry seems to be asking for, who will pay for the legal costs of the Province when it is overturned in the Supreme Court of Canada, as advised by his Justice Minister? Will Henry volunteer to pay the costs out of his already near empty collection plates?
In Henry’s little world he wants Mr. Klein to exempt the province’s Justices of the Peace, Licence Registry personnel from performing same sex marriages because it is against their religious beliefs, where does it end? Police don’t have to enforce the laws that do not agree with their religious beliefs? Judges? Crown Prosecutors?
Mr. Henry is looking so hard for a sliver in the eyes of those of us who endorse the plan to allow same sex marriages or union, that he has over looked the wall he is building up around himself and the shrinking number of Canadians who really don’t have a problem with same sex unions.
The call for the use of government coercive powers has no basis in fact from the teachings of Jesus.
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