Advocatus Diaboli

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Saturday, April 30, 2005

EnviroNewsandIssues Newsletter - Edition 6

An Interesting Look at the AdScam investigation in Ottawa
Women conspicuously absent from scandal - Toronto Star
'We do politics differently,' MP saysMore women, less corruption: Study

OTTAWA—Amid the large, sprawling cast of the federal Liberals' sponsorship saga, one group is hugely underrepresented — women.

In fact, some people are arguing that this whole sorry tale of public-trust abuse in Canada could become Exhibit A in arguing the case for more women's involvement in politics.

Certainly, it's become a subject that some women in the Liberal party are starting to discuss.

Françoise Boivin, a rookie MP from Quebec and chair of the Liberal women's caucus, said it just struck her yesterday, with some force, in fact. Apart from a prime ministerial niece here, an assistant or two there, the whole story of alleged kickbacks and corruption among advertising firms and the Quebec Liberal party is a tale about men, by men.

" It has to make you think," Boivin said. "Why is it? Maybe we're more grounded ... maybe we don't see politics so much as a game ... But we do do politics differently."

Editorial: Costly safety valve for Kyoto targets - Toronto Star

Most Canadians know that, on its own, this country will be hard pressed to meet its onerous target of cutting its emissions of greenhouse gases by at least 270 million tonnes over the next seven years, as set out in the Kyoto Protocol on climate change. To even try to cut such a stunning amount of greenhouse gases in such a short time span could impose an unacceptable economic cost on Canadians.

Ottawa knows it, too, which is readily apparent in the long-awaited implementation plan it released yesterday for combating global warming.

$10-billion Kyoto plan tabled in Parliament - Globe and Mail

The Liberal government finally revealed Wednesday its plan to meet Kyoto targets -- spending approximately $10-billion over the next seven years.

The plan requires annual reductions of 270 million tonnes a year within the next seven years, as reported by The Globe and Mail last month.

However, it does not specify how much of that will be obtained by cutting actual pollution and how much by purchasing emissions credits from poor countries.

Tories dance with Kyoto - Globe and Mail

Ottawa — The Conservative Party's sudden embrace of the Kyoto accord has astonished its supporters and critics, who see it as a flip-flop of historic proportions.

The move is seen as part of a wider shift that moves the party away from its the political right in an effort to court voters as an early federal election threatens.

The following is something I think is important for us to keep abreast of. So if you don't want to read it just skip it. I think it is important as a Canadian to know about.

Canada complicit in torture of deportees: rights group - Globe and Mail

Toronto — Governments that deport suspected terrorists to countries known to torture detainees are either breathtakingly naive or complicit in the abuse if they rely on promises of humane treatment, a new report concludes.

The report, by the non-partisan organization Human Rights Watch, says Western nations, including Canada, are increasingly turning to hollow diplomatic assurances of fair treatment from suspect governments.

CALGARY - Canadian pipeline giant Enbridge Inc. (TSX:ENB) announced Thursday it had
signed a preliminary deal with China's largest oil company, PetroChina, to anchor a new $2.5 billion pipeline to carry Canadian crude to the West Coast for shipment to Asia.

VANCOUVER The City of Kitimat has launched a legal challenge to force the British Columbia government to prevent aluminum giant Alcan Inc. from exporting power from its smelter in northwestern B.C. The city and community leaders filed the action in B.C. Supreme Court on Thursday, claiming that ministerial orders allowing for the power exports are illegal.

VANCOUVER _ A meeting between Canadian and U.S. forestry executives planned for next week to discuss renewed softwood lumber trade talks has been postponed indefinitely.
Editor's Comment: Do you think the people in the above story were going to discuss the stopping of the shipping of raw logs to the US saw mills from the forests of BC too?

CALGARY - Alberta Finance Minister Shirley McClellan speaks to Calgary Chamber of Commerce about 2005 provincial budget. (12:15 p.m. at Sheraton Eau Claire, 255 Barclay Parade SW)

April 13, 2005

Car pool, transit better than twinning Port Mann, group claims - Vancouver Sun

More than 60 per cent of motorists using the Port Mann bridge travel alone and steps should be taken to get them into public transit or car pools rather than twinning the bridge and widening the Trans-Canada Highway to ease congestion, says a group opposing the government's multi-million-dollar expansion plan.

The group says while the proposed expansion of the highway and bridge will alleviate congestion in the short term, the experience of other North American metropolitan areas is that congestion will be worse in the long term as more people take to the highways.

Members of the east-Vancouver-based group, called Citizens Concerned with Highway Expansion, are concerned that increased traffic will negatively affect their neighbourhood.

Green Party releases platform - Vancouver Sun

VICTORIA -- British Columbia's Green Party released its campaign promises at an outdoor news conference on the back steps of the legislature Wednesday.

Green Leader Adriane Carr, whose party has yet to elect a member to the legislature, said she expects party candidates to battle the Liberals and New Democrats for seats in several Vancouver-area ridings at the May 17 election.
Green promises:

1. The Green Party will remove junk food and corporate advertising from public schools.
2. The Green Party would re-establish BC Ferries as a Crown corporation.
3. The Green Party would establish the sale of marijuana to adults through outlets similar to liquor stores.
4. The Green Party would ban the sport and trophy hunting of grizzly bears.
5. The Green Party would change the B.C. Human Rights Code so clean drinking water, clean air and safe food are fundamental, guaranteed rights.
6. The Green Party would repeal the $6 training wage.

Carr is confident the Greens can break through this time and elect MLAs, saying her party has remained solid in the polls -- with between 12 and 19 per cent support -- since the last election in 2001.

Good news on Kyoto - Toronto Star

There is a lot of hot air being generated about the Kyoto Protocol these days. So much, in fact, that we are in danger of losing sight of the real objective, which is to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that we emit as a result of our daily activities. We are so consumed in the debate about the target set by the federal government that we ignore the successes being made in lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Government to buy greenhouse gas cuts - Toronto Star

OTTAWA—The ads may feature Rick Mercer but the government wasn't kidding about the One-Tonne Challenge.

Canada's latest climate change plan is going to shift much of the load of reducing greenhouse gas
emissions away from the 700 companies that produce half of those gases — and closer to you.

Kyoto may give voters another grievance against federals Liberals - Vancouver Sun

The federal government will reveal its Kyoto implementation plan Wednesday -- if it lasts that long.

In the event it isn't defeated by then, the Liberal government should reconsider its approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions out of self-interest -- if not for the sake of sane public policy.

North Dakota considering piping water from Canada in dry times - Globe and Mail
OTTAWA -- North Dakota is considering a plan to transfer water by pipeline from Lake of the Woods, located on the Canadian-U.S. border, in the event of a severe drought, which it predicts will occur within the next 25 years.

The proposal is likely to fan Canadian-U.S. tensions already simmering over the Devil's Lake project, also in North Dakota, which would transfer poor-quality and parasite-infected water into the Red River running through Manitoba.

Timber Firms Reach Environment Deals - Reuters

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) - Forestry firms Tembec Inc. and Domtar Inc. unveiled separate agreements with environmental groups on Tuesday, including one campaigning to curb logging in Canada's boreal forests.

Tembec has agreed with ForestEthics to identify and protect endangered areas in the boreal forest, a belt of an estimated 560 million hectares of pine, spruce, aspen, poplar and larch trees running from the Atlantic Ocean to the Alaska border.

High cost of fuel drives U.S. Army into hybrids - Windsor Star

DETROIT - The soaring cost of fuel has become such a burden to the American military, the U.S. army is getting into the hybrid vehicle business.

The army's vehicle development wing, the National Automotive Centre, Monday unveiled prototypes of a hybrid diesel-electric off-road vehicle capable of getting 60 miles per gallon.

The Ethical Funds Company(TM) Announces Portfolio Manager Change -

VANCOUVER, April 13 - The Ethical Funds Company today announced plans to change the portfolio manager of the Ethical(R) North American Equity Fund ("the Fund"). Effective May 13, 2005, the Fund will be managed by Manning & Napier Advisors, Inc., ("Manning & Napier") replacing Alliance Capital Management Canada, Inc. Following a formal review and an extensive search of qualified firms, Manning & Napier was selected for its proven track record of delivering consistent performance through varying market conditions. Manning & Napier'sapproach, adjusting portfolios to prevailing market conditions, is consistent with The Ethical Funds Company approach to fund management. Manning & Napier brings significant experience in successfully managing socially responsible investments in the United States. The Ethical Funds Company is the only mutual fund company in Canada offering Manning & Napierportfolio management to its clients.

See the entire media release here: HERE

Canada may need to buy Kyoto credits, Emerson concedes - Globe and Mail

OTTAWA -- Canada probably will have to spend money overseas to meet its own commitments under the Kyoto Protocol on climate change because incentives to Canadian enterprises may not get the job done, Industry Minister David Emerson says.

Even with federal tax incentives and other support for domestic heavy industry, Ottawa anticipates having to purchase so-called greenhouse-gas credits abroad five to seven years from now, Mr. Emerson told the House environment committee yesterday.

April 12, 2005

Chemical Producers to comment on Kyoto Plan

OTTAWA, April 12 - Canada's Chemical Producers will be responding to the Government of Canada's implementation plan for the Kyoto Protocol.

CCPA President Richard Paton will provide reaction to the report following the government lock-up on April 13 from 1:30 to 3:00 pm in Room 214, of the East Block of the Parliamentary Buildings. He will also be availablefor telephone interviews after 3pm. CCPA represents small, medium and large chemical companies representing over 90% of chemical production in Canada. CCPA will comment on the Plan, CEPA and industry agreements.

Environment Minister Announces Decision on the Beaufort Sea Exploration Drilling Program

OTTAWA, April 12 - The Honourable Stéphane Dion, Minister of the Environment, today announced that the proposed Beaufort Sea Exploration Drilling Program in the Northwest Territories does not require furtherassessment by a review panel or mediator under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The Minister referred the project, proposed by Devon Canada Corporation, back to the lead responsible authority, the National Energy Board (NEB), as well as to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Transport Canada, and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for appropriate action. The Minister has determined that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects with the implementation of the mitigation measures outlined in the comprehensive study report. The Ministerbased his decision on: - the comprehensive study report, including the conclusions and recommendations, submitted by the NEB; - public comments received during the 30-day consultation period, and the NEB's response to the comments; - the determination of the Environmental Impact Screening Committee for the Inuvialuit Settlement Region; - the implementation of mitigation measures; and - the implementation of a follow-up program. Devon Canada Corporation is proposing to conduct an exploratory drilling program to evaluate potential natural gas reservoirs in the southern Beaufort Sea, north of the Mackenzie River Delta. The exploration drilling would be conducted during the winter, within the landfast ice zone, from one of three potential drilling platform systems: a steel drilling caisson, a landfast tender-assist drill unit; or an ice island platform. Devon is currently planning to drill the first well during the winter of 2005-2006, and one well each subsequent winter season, completing the program in the winter of 2008-2009. The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency administers the federal environmental assessment processes, which identify the environmental effects of proposed projects and measures to address those effects, in support of sustainable development.

April 11, 2005

Salmon fishery needs a strong DFO boss to stave off further disaster - Vancouver Sun

It wasn't obvious by the end of last week whether federal Fisheries Minister Geoff Regan had bothered to read a report that he commissioned detailing mismanagement of the Fraser River salmon fishery. If he had skimmed over the startling revelations about illegal fishing, black-market dealing and possible links to the drug trade outlined in the report released publicly Thursday, you'd think he'd have had something to say by now. After all, Regan has had the document in hand since March 31.

The Power of One: An Interview With Shukria Barakzai -

Shukria Barakzai, founder and editor of Kabul’s Aina-E-Zan (Women’s Mirror), a newspaper for Afghan women, has been named’s 2004 International Editor of the Year. presents this award each year to an editor or editors outside the United States in recognition of enterprise, courage, and leadership in advancing the freedom and responsibility of the press, enhancing human rights, and fostering excellence in journalism.

Oil, Geopolitics, and the Coming War with Iran - Mother Jones
By Michael Klare

As the United States gears up for an attack on Iran, one thing is certain: the Bush administration will never mention oil as a reason for going to war. As in the case of Iraq, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) will be cited as the principal justification for an American assault. "We will not tolerate the construction of a nuclear weapon [by Iran]," is the way President Bush put it in a much-quoted 2003 statement. But just as the failure to discover illicit weapons in Iraq undermined the administration's use of WMD as the paramount reason for its invasion, so its claim that an attack on Iran would be justified because of its alleged nuclear potential should invite widespread skepticism. More important, any serious assessment of Iran's strategic importance to the United States should focus on its role in the global energy equation.

UK Election Sites
* Major Media
BBC News - Election 2005 (plus election blog)
BBC Radio 1 "Newsbeat" [youth-oriented news] - One Vote 2005
Channel 4 - Election 2005 (plus a blog round-up)
Sky News - Vote 05
Financial Times - UK elections 2005
The Guardian - Election 2005 (plus an election blog)
The Independent - Vote 2005
The Times - General Election 2005,,19809,00.html
Daily Telegraph - Election countdown 2005 - Election 2005
Yahoo (UK & Ireland) - Election 2005
News Now - Headlines
* Unique Sites
Jamie's Big Voice - Former homeless person and former drug addict,
McCoy, blogging for homeless people to make their views known and
give a
commentary on the General Election campaign.
Not Apathetic - Clever site where non-voters can explain why they
are not
voting from
FactCheck - run by the TV station Channel 4
Political Betting - blog that demonstrates the punters know more
than the
pundits or pollsters
UK Polling Report - summary of opinion polls, with its associated
blog Vote 2005 - election news and background
Y-Vote 2005 Mock Elections 2005 - resource (from the Hansard
Society) to
enable schools to stage mock elections
Tactical voting sites - there are several online campaigns
advocating tactical voting of one sort or another
Party 'watch' sites - each party has been targeted by a 'watch'
blog set up by opponents, to expose various gaffs, scandals and other
* Election Starting Points
Open Directory - Links via E-Democracy.Org
Wikipedia - UK General Election 2005
Shared Bookmarks - Tags from
Election 2005 - comprehensive portal
Social Science Information Gateway
New sites
Many sites
Google News - "Internet Election 2005"
Government Election-related Sites
Electoral Commission
About My Vote
DirectGov - Election 2005
Electoral Office for Northern Ireland
* Satire and Humour
Mud Slinging game
Deadbrain - Election 2005
Site Name - Description
Full URL
* Blogs About the Elections
2005 UK General Election - a blog of blogs
The Returning Officers - political gossip from a consortium of
three of the
UK's leading political bloggers
LibDem Blogs Aggregated! - an aggregator of blogs by individual
Independence - Scottish National Party-related Blog
Political Betting Blog
* Blogging Candidates
List only those candidate sites updated most days.
Romseyredhead - Blog of Sandra Gidley (Liberal Democrat MP for
Romsey since 2000, standing for re-election), who's been blogging
since September 2004
John Hemming's Web Log - Blog of the Liberal Democrat candidate in
Birmingham Yardley
Iain Dale for North Norfolk - Blog of Conservative candidate in
North Norfolk
Tom Watson - Blog of the Labour MP standing for re-election in West
Bromwich East
Scottish National Party Candidates
Boris Johnson - Conservative MP

April 10, 2005

'Vague' Kyoto strategy panned - Calgary Sun

OTTAWA -- The government will release a Kyoto implementation plan next week that calls for federal spending of $10 billion to $12 billion over the next five years. But the plan will not answer the key question of how much Canada will have to spend on emissions credits purchased abroad.

Industrial polluters to get bigger break under new Kyoto plan - Toronto Star

OTTAWA—Industrial polluters get an even bigger break than before in the new Kyoto plan being unveiled next week by the federal government, according to several people who have received advance briefings.


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