What the upcoming Canadian Federal election should be about
What the upcoming Canadian Federal election should be about
By the time you read this the Prime Minister will have an election on the spiral downwards so fast and so far he will have to raise his head to see over the curb. It is due solely to his lack of vision for the country and pure lust for the desk in the Prime Minister’s Office.visited the Governor General to ask that the current Parliament of Canada be disolved in order that a Federal election be held.
This will be an election that the half of you reading this column who will vote, will have a potential of actually deciding who will become Prime Minister in an unprecented way. It will also be an election that the other half could care less about and not participate in.
The status quo in the upcoming election is not the answer, nor should it be part of any conversation in the upcoming election. The status quo is why over 50% of Canadians, and over 80% of Canadians under 30 do not vote, do not want to vote, and will not vote unless there are fundamental changes to those that are our politicians, and those who want to be our political leaders.
Given that the Prime Minister’s brain trust, the PMOer’s, have pretty well managed to upset people in all of the traditional strong holds of a Liberal government as well as in areas such as Alberta, when the polls close in Ontario the voters in Western Canada may just hold the outcome of the election in their hands.
What this means, is that the half of you who might vote and the half of you who won’t have a good reason to steer the agenda of the election and the party who wants your vote.
Most of you reading this article have stopped at this point, as you have no interest in the political process as it sits. It is not unusual to have people stop paying attention to me when I start talking about Canadian politics unless I am buying the beer.
What you must not do is walk away from the process, turn and engage the political process like you have never done before and like it has never been done to before.
Engage the people who are asking you to hire them for a position that pays about $120,000 per year with great travel benefits, pensions, and perks.
Last year at a Stampede Breakfast in Calgary, Prime Minister Martin, wanted to be Prime Minister so bad he promised everything to everybody but did not write down the promises, spoke of the greatness that awaits Canada and Canadians. There was and has been the talk about changing the way the Federal Government operates. Now it is time for the Prime Minister and his cabinet, whoever that is and to what every party they belong, to put actions to those words, and know that there is a very real chance to win in Calgary.
Canada’s leaders must have a bold new vision of Canada, one that looks past the horizon, about bringing Canadians back into the political and democratic processes that affect their lives, and about ending the very real alienation each and every Western Canadian experiences when dealing with the Federal government, at every level. The Prime Minister must resist the typical Reform/Alliance/Conservative policy of using the rear view mirror of steering the country into the future.
Jon Lord, Alberta MLA for Calgary-Currie says that the Federal election should be about; ethics, integrity, tolerance, social capital, peace, order and good government, social inclusiveness, economic opportunity for all, innovation, infrastructure and individual liberty. Instead he thinks it will probably be about; Anger, jealousy, negativity, Western Separation, gun control, scandal, accusations, misrepresentation, money, opportunism, argument, pandering and the ends justifying the means.
We should demand that our politicians to start talking about the possible.
o Canada will find a cure to the major Cancers in the next ten years, as well as a cure and prevention of AIDS/HIV worldwide.
o Canada will rebuild its international spot on the world stage with a modern military designed to take advantage of its unique set of abilities it has come to do the best in the world ready to go where people need peace, health, and protection from war. Create a secure perimeter around Canada, for Canadian purposes and protect Canada's sovereignty, but maintain Canada as a place of last resort for many fleeing oppression and death. Make Canada an independent country that can work in the world on world issues with independence and trust much like Switzerland does, and do not tie its sled to the American’s tired team of horses.
o Every Canadian child will have access to the high speed Internet before the end of this decade, with proper computers, programs, and electronic infrastructure.
o Canada can feed the hungry, with food from the land and sea, without changing the delicate balance that exists between a health evnironment and a dead earth.
o Canada will become the place in the world that the creative and innovative researchers in high technology want to come, for the freedom to pursue their ideas for new products for the betterment of the world.
o Create duty free zones in the country at the major import gateways where businesses can import and process and export the value added products that incorporate Canadian raw resources. A good example of this is our softwood, beef, and steel. Its been reported by Statistics Canada that Canadian wood exports are at record levels to the United States’ home building industry. So why should we change our forest management systems to suit a foreign government? Stop relying on the American market, and start looking to the world as a market.
o Create a government that is fully accessible by Canadians through E-Government, E-Democracy, and E-Literacy and make it an example and centre of excellence with which to export to the world what we have learned and developed.
o Go to the bottom of the oceans, not Mars, and set up operations to clean up the oceans and rebuild some of the dead zones in the seas of the world created by man. Leave Mars to the USA.
o Create a Canada that will not turn its back on any Canadian citizen anywhere in the world, for any reason. Make a Canada that Canadians are proud of, and proud to be a Canadian, with Canadian values, and have that elusive Canadian identity, so that Canadians traveling the world carry one passport, that of Canada.
o Create an atmosphere in Government that the people working in the government and their associated agencies are working for the people of Canada, and serve at the pleasure of the voter.
o Create policy changes to the National Building codes that will allow for basement suites to be built in homes, so that CMHC can insure the mortgages, property insurers will right home policies for them as well, as well landlords and homeowners can know that the investment they put into the homes will not be illegal and taken away from them. It is one way of helping with the affordable housing crisis in Alberta, and it will not cost one dollar.
Are the above bold and daring? Yes.
We need a Prime Minister that has not hung his political hat on the building of walls around Alberta, or Canada, but someone who has the vision and courage to steer a bold and new course for Canada in to the future, and not while holding the hand of the U.S.A, but a future that is created and determined by Canadians for Canadians.
We need a Prime Minister that knows he is Canadian, and is working to keep Canada Canadian and for Canadians for centuries to come.
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