Advocatus Diaboli

This blog is about things, issues, ideas, and concepts on subjects focusing on Canada, Canadian Issues and Affairs and those that affect Canada and Canadians from afar.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Catholic School System and Gambling

What I do not get is the hypocrasy of the Bishop during his current foot stomping episode over the Seperate School Board allowing Catholic schools to use proceeds from gambling to fund the extras.

Does this mean the Catholic Church and all of its various social service agencies are not getting any tax dollars for funding. If they are then some of that money is from gambling, some is from booze, and some is from corporations that manufacture arms and other material for war.

If the Catholic Church really wanted to live by its own moral code that is fine.

In this case I agree with the Bishop, but he is being hypocritical, and this more about a pissing match with Ralph Klein than the morals of the church.

If it were about morality then the church should take over the collection and imposing of taxes on their flock for the school system and raise the rest on their own, from their own flock.

Some of us are tired hearing about how moral the Catholic Church is and how much they want the government to do their bidding when they cannot get their own members to follow their doctrine. This of course is when it suits them.

They are all too ready to stand out of the way and let the government and taxpayers bail them out on issues such as the abuse of natives in the residential schools.


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